856 Electronic Location and Access
852 (Location)
Required for all records.
- Enter all information in ‡a.
- Standard wording: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT
852 __ ‡a Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT
856 (Electronic Location and Access)
Required for collections with a finding aid
Link from the OPAC to a finding aid:
- Standard wording: View a description and listing of collection contents in the finding aid ‡u http://hdl.handle.net/10079/fa/beinecke.[file name]
- Do not enter punctuation before ‡u
856 42 ‡3 View a description and listing of collection contents in the finding aid ‡u http://hdl.handle.net/10079/fa/beinecke.jobaker
Two or more finding aid files associated with a catalog record:
Enter multiple 856 fields, each with standard wording: [Title of part of collection]: View a description and list of collection contents in the finding aid ‡u http://hdl.handle.net/10079/fa/beinecke.[file name]
See the record for the Spinelli Archive, GEN MSS 109
Link from the OPAC to a search for images in the Beinecke Digital Library:
- Generally, this field is added by DSU staff after materials have been digitized.
- Standard wording: View a selection of digital images in the Beinecke Library’s Digital Images Online database ‡u http://beinecke.library.yale.edu/dl_crosscollex/callnumSRCHXC.asp?WC=N&S… number]
- In the search string, spaces in the call number are represented by underscores.
856 41 ‡3 View a selection of digital images in the Beinecke Library’s Digital Images Online database ‡u http://beinecke.library.yale.edu/dl_crosscollex/callnumSRCHXC.asp?WC=N&SS=N&CN=YCAL_MSS_187