Cartographic Materials Cataloging Manual
This manual outlines the local decisions of the Beinecke Manuscript Unit for applying the standard Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Cartographic) to the cataloging of manuscript cartographic materials, coded as record type f in Yale’s catalog. It includes instructions and resources for data fields unique to cartographic materials, in addition to specific guidance for commonly-used fields. Only fields and subfields requiring guidelines specific to cartographic materials are in this manual. Therefore, catalogers must also consult the Yale University Library’s Manuscript Cataloging Guidelines and the Beinecke Manuscript Unit’s Manuscript Cataloging Manual for general guidelines. This manual was created by Ève Bourbeau-Allard in 2019 and is maintained by the unit’s cataloging coordinators.
The following guidelines focus on maps and atlases; consult DCRM(C) for instructions on cataloging three-dimensional globes. Because the drafting of DCRM(C) began during the transition from AACR2 to RDA, DCRM(C) retains AACR2 references. This manual reflects the Manuscript Unit’s decision to create RDA-compliant records. RDA informs the construction of access points, the spelling out of previously abbreviated terms, the choice of relationship designator terms, etc. This manual departs from DCRM(C) rules by requiring that date and place of production be recorded in a standard form, instead of transcribing as they appear on the material.
Backstage and OCLC export for record type f follow the same process as for record type p (mixed materials). Add your finalized record to YUL’s daily batch export to Backstage Library Works (OCLC’s authority control service) by checking the “OK to export” box on the System tab, and then clicking “Save to DB”. Your record will be automatically queued for YUL’s next weekly batch export to OCLC during processing by Backstage. After an initial export to Backstage/OCLC, any change saved to a record – in any field – will trigger the re-export directly to OCLC in the next weekly batch. If you make modifications to 1xx, 6xx, and 7xx fields, you should manually re-check the “Ok to export” box, so that Backstage edits URIs as necessary before re-export to OCLC.
Voyager templates for cartographic materials are located in the J Drive > Voyager templates > Cataloging > dcrmc. To use, copy and paste the dcrmc folder to your C Drive in C > Voyager > Catalog > Template. Go to Voyager > Options > Preferences > Folders/Files and select a file path for the bib template located in your C drive.