034: Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data 

The 034 field (machine-readable format) captures the same information as the 255 field (human  readable format). The 034 has no OPAC indexing or display, while the 255 displays in the OPAC. See 255. Metadata in the 034 must match the 255 field.  

Repeatable field: If 2 scales are present on the material, use two 034 and two 255 fields. If there are 3  scales or more, do not repeat 034 and 255 fields. Instead, code the 034 first indicator 3 and use the 255  ‡a Scales differ. 

First indicator (type of scale): 1 - Single scale, 3- Range of scales, or 0 - Scale indeterminable/No scale  recorded 

Second indicator (type of ring for digital cartographic items): generally blank - Not applicable. 

‡a - Category of scale: required 

  • Use a – for all linear maps (even when no scale given, or scales vary within an atlas)
  • or b – for celestial 
  • or z – for other. 

‡b - Constant ratio linear horizontal scale: subfield required when scale is present on map, or when  approximated by the cataloger.  

  • Refers to the denominator of the representative fraction (the numerator is always 1). It  expresses how many units of distance on the ground is equal to one unit on the map. See  Glossary. 
  • To calculate the scale in representative fraction form when the map gives a verbal scale, use  the Map Scale Calculator on the website MapTools (https://maptools.com/scale_calculator).  For example, the verbal scale statement “100 feet = 1 inch” means that 1 inch on the map  represents 100 feet in ground distance. However, feet and inches are not the same unit of  measurement, so the equivalent representative fraction is not 1/100. It is 1/1200, and is  represented in the record by:
    • 034 1_ ‡a a ‡b 1200 
    • 255 __ ‡a Scale 1:1200 

‡d - ‡g Coordinates subfields: Subfields required when coordinates are present on map, or when  approximated by the cataloger. In the 034, enter coordinates in decimal degrees (note that in the  255 they are entered in degrees/minutes/seconds). Decimal degrees must follow the format  XXX.XXXXXX (three numbers before dot, six numbers after dot). 

  • ‡d - Coordinates - westernmost longitude 
  • ‡e - Coordinates - easternmost longitude 
  • ‡f - Coordinates - northernmost latitude 
  • ‡g - Coordinates - southernmost latitude 

To find coordinates when not present on map: use the tool Bounding Box by Klokan Technologies  (https://boundingbox.klokantech.com/) . Capture the full extent of the area falling within the neat  line, or of all cartographic details if they extend beyond the neat line. Bounding Box will return data  formatted for the 034 and 255 fields. Select MARC OCLC DEC to copy-paste the 034 field (in decimal  degrees), and MARC OCLC to copy-paste the 255 field (in degrees/minutes/seconds). 

To convert latitude and longitude between decimal degrees and degrees/minutes/seconds when  not using Bounding Box (if the map specifies coordinates in one of the two formats): use the  Degrees Minutes Seconds to/from Decimal Degrees Converter by the Federal Communications  Commission: (https://www.fcc.gov/media/radio/dms-decimal). Add zeros when needed to obtain  the format XXX.XXXXXX. When latitudes are south of the equator, use the minus sign (“-”)in front of  the value in ‡f / ‡g. When longitudes are west of the Prime Meridian, use the minus sign (“-”) in  front of the value in ‡d / ‡e. (However, the plus sign “+” for northern latitudes and eastern  longitudes is optional). 

‡2 Source: Use “bound” for Bounding Box. For others, select code from the Cartographic Data  Source Codes by the Library of Congress (https://www.loc.gov/standards/sourcelist/cartographic data.html). 


034 1_ ‡a a ‡b 960 ‡d -071.161389 ‡e -071.153889 ‡f 042.380000 ‡g 042.374722 ‡2 bound

255 __ ‡a Scale 1:960. 80 feet = 1 inch ‡c (W 71°09ʹ41ʺ–W 71°09ʹ14ʺ/N 42°22ʹ48ʺ–N 42°22ʹ29ʺ).

500 __ ‡a Coordinates not present on map and are approximated. 

034 1_ ‡a a ‡b 2500000 ‡d -092.000000 ‡e -084.000000 ‡f 034.900000 ‡g 030.500000 ‡2 bound 255 __ ‡a Scale approximately 1:2,500,000 ‡c (W 92°00ʹ00ʺ–W 84°00ʹ00ʺ/N 34°54ʹ00ʺ–N  30°30ʹ00ʺ). 

034 3_ ‡a a ‡d 002.516667 ‡e 036.750000 ‡f 043.950000 ‡g 030.133333 

255 __ ‡a Scales differ ‡c (E 2°31’00”–E 36°45’00”/N 43°57’00”–N 30°08’00”). 

500 __ ‡a Coordinates not present on map and are approximated. 

034 3_ ‡a a 

255 __ ‡a Scales differ. 

500 __ ‡a Coordinates not present in atlas.

040: Cataloging Source 

‡a CtY-BR ‡b eng ‡c CtY-BR ‡e dcrmc ‡e rda  

043: Geographic Area Code 

No OPAC indexing or display. 

Blank indicators

‡a MARC code for a geographic area: Each geographic area code associated with an item is  contained in a separate subfield ‡a. Record multiple codes in order of importance. No punctuation  at end of field. 

Use the MARC Code List for Geographic Areas by the Library of Congress  

(https://www.loc.gov/marc/geoareas/gacs_name.html). Codes include continents, countries, first  order political divisions of some countries (such as states and provinces), regions (e.g. “Northwest,  Canadian”), transnational groupings (e.g. “Commonwealth countries”), geographic features (such as  mountain ranges), and celestial bodies. The list does not include cities, so a map depicting Boston is  assigned the code for Massachusetts ‡a n-us-ma 

052: Geographic Classification 

No OPAC indexing or display. 

First indicator: Blank when using LOC Classification  

Second indicator: Blank 

Do not add punctuation at the end or in between subfields. 

Use the Subclass G (Cartographic Materials) - Geographic Cutter Numbers table from the Library of  Congress (https://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/GCutter.pdf) (keyword-searchable pdf document). Also  available by region on Cataloger’s Desktop (http://www.loc.gov/cds/desktop/documents/GCutters/).  

‡a - Geographic classification area code: 4-digit number appearing at the top of each page, dropping  the “G”. 

‡b - Geographic classification subarea code: Cutter number. 


Mediterranean Sea -> G5672.M4 -> 052 __ ‡a 5672 ‡b M4 

Tewksbury, MA -> G3764.T39 -> 052 __‡a 3764 ‡b T39