Bibliographic Record
Creating templates
A template for General Collection cataloging is located in: J/ mssunit/voyager templates/cataloging/bib templates/dcrmm. File name: bibgen_dcrmm.tem. This template may be edited for use in other curatorial areas.
Creating and editing bibliographic records
In addition to fields required for all single manuscript records, the following are required for manuscript notated music. See field definitions for more information.
Required for all records:
- 264
- 348
- 500, for title source
- 546, for form of notation
- 655, for form of composition
- 655, for format of notated music
Required when applicable:
- 028
- 240
- 254
- 382
- 546, for language of vocal text
- 500, for supplied date source
- 650 Composers ‡z
- 650, for type of composition
- 656 Composers ‡z ‡y
- 700, for author of vocal text
- 856, for RISM link
Exporting records
Be sure records are complete before exporting to Backstage for authority control, which automatically queues records for subsequent export to Oclc. After initial export, re-exported type d records do not overlay existing description in Oclc. If necessary, contact the Cataloging Coordinator about deletion of obsolete records from Oclc.